The publications of Guntram Berti

Guntram Berti's publications

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  • Siegfried Benkner, Antonio Arbona, Guntram Berti, Alessandro Chiarini, Robert Dunlop, Gerhard Engelbrecht, Alejandro F. Frangi, Christoph M. Friedrich, Susanne Hanser, Peer Hasselmeyer, Rod D. Hose, Jimison Iavindrasana, Martin Köhler, Luigi Lo Iacono, Guy Lonsdale, Rodolphe Meyer, Bob Moore, Hariharan Rajasekaran, Paul E. Summers, Alexander Wöhrer, Steven Wood: @neurIST -- Infrastructure for Advanced Disease Management through Integration of Heterogeneous Data, Computing, and Complex Processing Services. IEEE Transactions on Information Technology in BioMedicine 14(6), pp. 1365-1377, November 2010.
    Abstract   BibTeX  



  • Guntram Berti, Guy Lonsdale, Jens Georg Schmidt, Siegfried Benkner, D. Rodney Hose, John W. Fenner, David M. Jones, Stuart E. Middleton, Gert Wollny: Grid Simulation Services for the Medical Community. International Journal of Computational Methods, 5, no. 2, pp. 289-317, 2008.
    Abstract    Bibtex   PDF  
  • Ulrich Hartmann, Guntram Berti, Jens Georg Schmidt, Thorsten M. Buzug: Biomechanical Modelling in Sports — Selected Applications, in Peter Dabnichki and Arnold Baca (eds.), Computers in Sports, pp. 189-216, WIT Press, 2008.


  • Guntram Berti: Flexible Mesh Generation for Segmented 2D and 3D Images Containing Multiple Materials, in T. M Buzug, K.-M. Sigl, J. Bongartz, K. Prüfer (eds.), Facial Reconstruction. Proceedings of 2nd International Conference on Reconstruction of Soft Facial Parts, Remagen, March 2005, pp. 485-495, Luchterhand Verlag, 2007.
    Abstract    Bibtex   PDF
  • Thomas Hierl, Jörg Hendricks, Alexander Hemprich, Gert Wollny, Guntram Berti, Jochen Fingberg, Jens Georg Schmidt: 3D-Analysis of Soft Tissue Changes following Maxillary Distraction Osteogenesis, in T. M Buzug, K.-M. Sigl, J. Bongartz, K. Prüfer (eds.), Facial Reconstruction. Proceedings of 2nd International Conference on Reconstruction of Soft Facial Parts, RSFP 2005, Remagen, pp. 499-518, Luchterhand Verlag, 2007.
    Abstract    Bibtex   PDF
  • Carsten Wolters, Alfred Anwander, Guntram Berti, Ulrich Hartmann: Geometry-adapted hexahedral meshes improve accuracy of finite element method based EEG source analysis. IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, 54, no. 8, 2007.
    Abstract    Bibtex  


  • Guntram Berti: GrAL - the Grid Algorithms Library, Future Generation Computer Systems, 22, pp. 110-122, 2006.
    Abstract    Bibtex    PDF
  • Thomas Hierl,Gert Wollny, F. P. Schulze, E. Scholz, Jens G. Schmidt, Guntram Berti, Jörg Hendricks, Alexander Hemprich: CAD-CAM Implants in Esthetic and Reconstructive Craniofacial Surgery, Journal of Computing and Information Technology, 14(1), pp. 65-70, 2006.
  • Guntram Berti, Jesper-Larsson Träff: What MPI could (and cannot) do for Mesh-partitioning on Non-homogeneous Networks , in Proceedings of EUROPVM/MPI 2006, Bonn, Germany, 17.-20. September 2006, LNCS, Springer Verlag, 2006.
    Abstract    Bibtex    PDF


  • Siegfried Benkner, Guntram Berti, Gerhard Engelbrecht, Jochen Fingberg, Greg Kohring, Stuart E. Middleton, and Rainer Schmidt: GEMSS: grid infrastructure for medical service provision. In Methods of Information in Medicine, 44(2), pp. 177-181, 2005.


  • Thomas Hierl,Stephan Zachow, Gert Wollny, Guntram Berti and Jochen Fingberg. Concepts of computer-based simulation in orthognathic surgery. In Journal of Cranio-Maxillofacial Surgery, vol. 32, suppl. 1, pp. 81-82, 2004.
  • Guntram Berti, Jochen Fingberg, Thomas Hierl, and Jens Georg Schmidt. Grid computing: Hochleistungs-Simulationsdienste unterstützen den Arzt In PraxisComputer supplement to Deutsches Ärzteblatt, Vol. 20, No. 3, pp. 17-19, September 2004.
  • Guntram Berti. Image-based unstructured 3D mesh generation for medical applications. In P. Neittaanmäki, T. Rossi, K. Majava and O. Pironneau, editors, European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering ECCOMAS 2004.
    Abstract   BibTeX   PDF  
  • Jens Georg Schmidt, Guntram Berti, Jochen Fingberg, Junwei Cao, and Gert Wollny. A Finite-Element based Tool Chain for the Planning and Simulation of Maxillo-Facial Surgery. In P. Neittaanmäki and T. Rossi and K. Majava and O. Pironneau, editors, European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering ECCOMAS 2004.
    Abstract   BibTeX   PDF
  • Guntram Berti, Jochen Fingberg, Thomas Hierl, and Jens Georg Schmidt. An interactive planning and simulation tool for maxillo-facial surgery . In Th. Buzug and T. Lueth (eds), Proceedings of Conference on Medical Robotics, Navigation and Visualization (MRNV) 2004, pp. 311-318, World Scientific, 2004.
  • David M. Jones, John W. Fenner, Guntram Berti, Frithjof Kruggel, R. A. Mehrem, Werner Backfrieder, Robert Moore, and Annette Geltmeier. The GEMSS Grid: An evolving HPC environment for medical applications. In Proceedings of HealthGrid 2004, 2004.


  • Junwei Cao, Guntram Berti, Jochen Fingberg, and Jens Georg Schmidt. Implementation of grid-enabled medical simulation applications using workflow techniques. In Proceedings of GCC 2003, Shanghai, December 7-10 2003. LNCS 3032, Springer Verlag, 2004.
  • Guntram Berti. Generic programming support for mesh partitioning based parallelization. In Jörg Striegnitz and Kei Davis, editors, Proceedings of the Workshop on Parallel/High-Performance Object-Oriented Scientific Computing (POOSC'03), number IB-2003-09 in NIC series, pages 15-30. Forschungszentrum Jülich, July 2003.
    Abstract   BibTeX   PDF  
  • Guntram Berti, Siegfried Benkner, John W. Fenner, Jochen Fingberg, Guy Lonsdale, Stuart E. Middleton, and Mike Surridge. Medical simulation services via the grid. In Sofie Nørager, Jean-Claude Healy, and Yves Paindaveine, editors, Proceedings of 1st European HealthGRID Conference, pp. 248-259, Lyon, France, January 16-17 2003. EU DG Information Society.
  • A. Anwander, A. Basermann, G. Berti, J. Fingberg, U. Hartmann, G. Kohring, A. McCarthy, C. Wolters, S. Woods, and F. Zimmermann. Bio-numerical simulations with SimBio. NEC Research and Development, 44(1), January 2003.
  • Siegfried Benkner, Gerhard Engelbrecht, Werner Backfrieder, Guntram Berti, Jochen Fingberg, Greg Kohring, Jens Georg Schmidt, Stuart E. Middleton, David Jones, and John Fenner. Numerical simulation for eHealth: Grid-enabled medical simulation services. In Proceedings of ParCo2003, 2003.
  • A. Anwander, A. Basermann, G. Berti, J. Fingberg, U. Hartmann, A. McCarthy, C. Wolters, S. Woods, and F. Zimmermann. Bio-numerical simulations with SimBio. In T. M. Buzug, U. Hartmann, A. Hülster, M. Kohl-Bareis, and T. Wilhein, editors, Physikalische Methoden der Laser- und Medizintechnik, number 231 in VDI Fortschrittsberichte, Reihe 17 (Biotechnik/Medizintechnik), pages 114-120. VDI Verlag, 2003.


  • Guntram Berti. Generic programming for mesh algorithms: Towards universally usable geometric components. In H. A. Mang, F. G. Rammerstorfer, and J. Eberhardsteiner, editors, Proceedings of the Fifth World Congress on Computational Mechanics (WCCMV). IACM, Vienna University of Technology, July 7-12 2002.
  • Achim Basermann, Guntram Berti, Jochen Fingberg, Ulrich Hartmann. Head-mechanical simulations with SimBio. NEC Research and Development, 43(4), October 2002.
  • Guntram Berti. GrAL - The Grid Algorithms Library in Proceedings of ICCS 2002, Amsterdam, the Netherlands, April 2002.
    abstract    PDF (180 KB)


  • Guntram Berti. A Generic Toolbox for the Grid Craftsman
    In Wolfgang Hackbusch and Ulrich Langer, editors, Proceedings of the 17th GAMM-Seminar Leipzig ``Construction of Grid Generation Algorithms'', Leipzig, Germany, February 1-3, 2001.
    abstract    Postscript (gzipped, 496 KB)    PDF (414 KB)



  • Guntram Berti. Concepts for parallel numerical solution of PDEs
    in Proceedings of FVCA-II , Duisburg, Germany, July 1999. Edition Hermes, Paris, 1999
    abstract    full paper (.ps.gz, 130 KB)

  • G. Berti. External Control - A pattern for mapping hierarchical structures to external control mechanisms
    Technical report, BTU Cottbus, October 1998
    abstract    full paper (.ps.gz, 92 KB)


  • Georg Bader, Guntram Berti. Design Principles of Reusable Software Components for the Numerical Solution of PDE Problems ,
    presented at the 14th GAMM-Seminar Kiel on Concepts of Numerical Software , Kiel Germany, January 23rd to 25th, 1998.
    abstract    full paper (.ps.gz, 270 KB)


  • Klaus Schenk, Georg Bader, Guntram Berti. Analysis and Approximation of Multicomponent Gas Mixtures ,
    presented at Numerical Modelling in Continuum Mechanics , Prague, Czech Republic, September 1997.
    abstract    full paper (.ps.gz, 288 KB)


  • Guntram Berti: Ein Variationsprinzip für schlichte Funktionen mit einer Anwendung auf zweifach zusammenhängende Gebiete. Diplomarbeit, Fachbereich Mathematik, Universität Dortmund, 1994.